The designers of the game, led by Philippe THIBAUT (creator of Europa Universalis, and the Ageod games series), met in 2018 to enjoy of few gaming sessions of fun and fast-to-play naval warfare games, from their own rich and varied collections of boardgames. During one of such evenings, someone came up with the idea that it would be great to have a digital game engine allowing to play grand scale maritime wars with a nice look and easy to handle gameplay.
Brains started to heat, and sketches were made. The guys teamed up and decided they should move forward. They setup a partnership and chartered coders, artists and writers to create the engine. The first, and ambitious project focuses on the War in the Pacific during WW2, but from the very beginning, it was clear that the engine thus made would be used to make more than one single game…
Acknowledgement: many of the gaming mechanics of the Fleet Commander games bear similarities to those used in Avalon Hill’s classic boardgames Victory in The Pacific (VITP) or War At Sea (WAS), although many changes were made to the rules and game content to adapt the thematic and general gameplay to a new and enjoyable computer game, and quite a few new rules and game concepts where added.